Of Birthdays and Thanksgiving

Happy Birthday to me and Boracay Vows and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

In the Philippines, a child’s first birthday is among the best celebrated events in their life. Parties take on fiesta-like proportions with lots of food, including pancit and lechon, and oftentimes karaoke competitions. Having survived their first year, the child is expected to live a long life from then on.

As I consider Boracay Vows my first book baby, I’m celebrating its first birthday with so much joy and gratitude.

I am incredibly grateful for all the support from family, friends, and even strangers. My debt to those who bought Boracay Vows, and especially those who reviewed it, is something I can never repay. I can only try to return their generosity by sharing more of my stories and writing them with love.

My appreciation also goes to the romance writing community. I wouldn’t have been able to move forward in my writing if not for the tips and sharing of their time and resources by other authors.  

To my tribe: OSRBC, Writing Group, SARA, Indie Author Support, Romance Café, Lone Star Book Blog Tour, Romances That Sizzle, Love Romance Reads – Thank you very much for the inclusion, acceptance, and encouragement.  

To my wonderful family here in the US and in the Philippines, thank you. I love you.

I’ve been so blessed in my life, it’s only fair that I give back. For my birthday I’ve placed both Boracay Vows and its sequel New York Engagement on sale for only $0.99 each until November 28. I will donate all earnings from this period to the American Red Cross, my small way of helping those in need.

Buy links to the books can be found here: 

Sun And Moon

Today, August 21, 2017, there is a Total Solar Eclipse – the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, at one point totally covering the sun and turning day into night.

Today is also the 12th anniversary of our church wedding. For the special occasion, we put together a CD of our favorite love songs that we played during the ceremony and the reception afterwards. One of the songs is Sun and Moon from the musical Miss Saigon. American military husband, Asian wife – it fits. Of course, our story turned out better than that of Kim and Chris. For truly, we have been blessed, my husband and I.


you are sunlight and I moon
joined by the gods of fortune
midnight and high noon
sharing the sky
we have been blessed, you and I

you are here like a mystery
I’m from a world that’s so different
from all that you are
how in the light of one night
did we come so far?

outside day starts to dawn

your moon still floats on high

the birds awake

the stars shine too

my hands still shake

I reach for you

and we meet in the sky!

you are sunlight and I moon
joined here
bright’ning the sky
with the flame
of love

made of



Ye Are Blood Of My Blood, And Bone Of My Bone

Today is my and my husband’s 12th wedding anniversary, the first of two we celebrate – one civil, the other church.

This special time always makes me think ooutlander wedding vowsf wedding vows from romance books. One of my favorites is the Gaelic Wedding Vow.  This has been used in many romance books, especially those set in the Scottish Highlands, most famously Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. One of my favorite new authors of Historical Romance, Kerrigan Byrne, also used it in the first book of her Victorian Rebels series – The Highwayman.

“She looked up at him with those eyes, and Dougan experienced a pang of love so intense and ferocious it felt as though it didn’t belong in this holy room.
He began the incantation he remembered from watching once from behind his mother’s skirts when he was young.

‘Ye are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone.
I give ye my body, that we two might be one.
I give ye my spirit, ’til our life shall be done.’

Farah needed a bit of prompting to remember all the words, but she said them with such fervency that Dougan was touched. Slipping a ring of a willow herb vine onto her finger, he recited the sacred olde vows with perfect clarity, but translated them into English for her sake.

‘I made ye my heart
At the rising of the moon.
To love and honor,
Through all our lives.
May we be reborn,
May our souls meet and know.
And love again.
And remember.’

She looked lost and mystified for a moment, then announced, “Me, too.”


I’ll be writing a wedding scene for Book 2 of my Carpe Diem Chronicles series and this certainly has given me inspiration.

