CARINA GASKELL – Featured Author

FB Cover


Romance Author



Carina Gaskell has been writing stories since she could hold a pen, and dreaming them up even before that.

Raised in the province in a house full of love and books, it’s no surprise that the Manila-based author would go on to carve out her own space in the romance genre writing cozy, feel-good novels.

Her stories feature sweet and swoon-worthy heroes, strong (and artistic!) heroines, and a lovable cast of side characters. She loves indulgent wish-fulfillment romances, Happy Ever Afters, and the concept of soulmates—both romantic and platonic.

Her favorite love story is that of hers and her partner’s.






Second Chance Books

SCB COVERWhen Nell’s brother-in-law walks out on her pregnant sister, it falls on Nell’s shoulders to cover their mountain of bills. To do so, she must convince the owner of a secondhand bookstore to sell his property so she can earn a commission.

But when she visits the store, two unexpected things happen: the owner offers her a job sorting the shelves—extra income!—and her childhood crush, Thomas Whelan, turns out to be the only other employee there. Only a fool would turn that opportunity down.

When Thomas reveals he needs help with his love life, it seems all too perfect: get an in with Tom by helping him prepare for his dates, recruit him towards her cause of convincing their boss to sell, get paid, and live happily ever after.

Except the more time she spends with Tom, the more she gets attached: to him, to the bookstore that soon might not even exist, and its customers.

Set in a small town in the throes of gentrification, Second Chance Books is a novel that explores the power of love, literature, and community when it comes to changing and saving lives.


Second Chance Books is free to borrow with Kindle Unlimited subscription. Also available in paperback.

True North


After Sophie’s long-term boyfriend decides he doesn’t want to marry her, she flies back home to her native Philippines with her tail tucked between her legs. Forget romance. With the help of Ninang, her wealthy grand-aunt on her mother’s side, she picks her pieces back up and throws herself headfirst into her dream project: opening a coffee shop on the famous beach resort island of Dalisay.

But there’s a catch. Ninang agrees to help fund the cost of starting a new business, if and only if Sophie hosts her younger sister, Narra, and their cousin, Layla for the summer. Fresh out of college, Narra and Layla have come to Dalisay for three months of fun and romance, and they refuse to leave Sophie out of it.

Enter Archie Hastings. A smooth-talking, motorcycle-riding Brit, he moved to the island to work at a non-profit and nurse a heartbreak of his own. When Narra indulges in a little too much fun and romance, he’s there to help Sophie save the day, only to find himself pulled into a scheme to get Sophie—and by extension, himself—laid.

Sophie just wants to be left alone. But love has a funny way of sneaking up on you, and this summer, on the beautiful sunny island of Dalisay, where the white sand is soft like powder and the blue sea impossibly clear, it might just catch her off-guard.


True North releases on August 4, 2024. Preorder now!



GOOD TALK … GOOD TALK by Ginny Andrews – Book Blog Tour: Author Interview and Giveaway

Ginny Andrews
Nonfiction / Humor / Comedy / Essays
Publisher: Ginny Andrews Comedy, LLC
Date of Publication: October 5, 2023
Number of Pages: 171 pages
Scroll down for a Giveaway!

Raise your hand if you have ever run into a mannequin in a store and apologized. Continue to keep your hand raised if you want to pre-write thank you notes to those whom you anticipate attending your funeral because you suffer from chronic “way too nice” syndrome. Keep it up high if you have ever farted in church or yoga class. Man, my arm is getting tired!
Most people are awkward during the middle school years, grow out of it, and blossom into mature, well-functioning human beings…I’m still waiting for this to happen. Awkwardness is my hidden talent, although most who know me would tell you it isn’t hidden—it’s written on my forehead. My daily life is filled with epic failures. Sometimes I feel like I’m one big malfunction! As I have gotten older, I just try to embrace it.
After you read this collection of essays, hopefully you will be able to accept your imperfections too! Nope, probably not because I’m still not there! However, maybe my comedy will stick with you like that hemorrhoid you can’t seem to get rid of, like ever—Good Talk. . .Good Talk.



“Reading Ginny Andrews’s Good Talk. . .Good Talk is a lot like hanging out with that girlfriend that invariably makes you laugh until you cry.” —Lauren Cassel Brownell, author of Zen and the Art of Housekeeping and Dying to Donate

Good Talk. . .Good Talk is a laugh out loud winner, filled with quirky stories reminiscent of Patrick McManus.” —J. Andersen, author of The Breeding Tree, The Gene Rift, and Legacy’s Impact

“Anyone with anxiety will totally relate to Ginny Andrews’ humorous tales of the struggle of day-to-day life in today’s world.” —John A.B., Amazon Reviewer

Ginny Andrews is a former high school teacher and coach, who is now an aspiring comedian, speaker, and writer. She would greatly appreciate it if you purchased her book! Door Dash, dog-sitting, used car sales, lawn mowing, and selling random items found in her house aren’t high-paying gigs!


Interview with Ginny Andrews

How has being a Texan influenced your writing?

Growing up in West Texas absolutely shaped my writing. I have stories in my book about how you can’t apply lip balm and walk outside in West Texas on a dusty day!

Why did you choose to write in your field?

My life seems to be a walking comedy act, so it just seemed natural!

What kind(s) of writing do you do?

Comedy, essays, blogs, social media comedy posts. I just try to cheer people up each day because I know life can be stressful.

How does your book relate to your faith?

I am a Christian and a comedian, but I wouldn’t consider myself to be a Christian comedian. There are chapters in my book titled, “Church Camp,” and “Jesus Take the Wheel.” My faith is a big part of who I am—I try to take a comedic approach to it.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

Comedy is hard. There is a fine line between making people laugh and offending. It is hard to appeal to all ages, generations, and genders. What would make individuals in their 60s and 70s laugh might not appeal to the 20s-40s generation. What would appeal to the younger generation might offend the older. So, trying to find a comedy style that pleases all is hard. I did my best to achieve this goal with Good Talk…Good Talk and I hope to find this balance even more in my future books.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

The idea of bringing joy to people as they read. That is the goal of my comedy whether it is through books, standup, social media posts…I just want to be a bright spot in someone’s day!

Are you a full-time or part-time writer?  How does that affect your writing?

I teach high school during the day and write at night and on the weekends. My day job gives me plenty of material for my writing and comedy shows! 😊

What is something you want to accomplish before you die?

If I could have my own comedy show, or open for a big headliner, even if I only get 10-15 minutes on stage (that is golden for me), or get my books (I have three total to write) picked up by a big publishing house, or get to tour as a motivational speaker and sell my books…all of those things would be amazing. Or maybe make enough money through my writing to not have to work a second job while teaching and get a new car that isn’t ten years old with squeaky brakes!

Signed paperback of GOOD TALK. . .GOOD TALK
+ $25 Amazon gift card
(US only; ends midnight, CST, 11/10/23)


UNDENIABLE by Cara Dion – Featured New Release

Undeniable now available


Cara Dion


undeniable ebook

Pretending to be in love never felt so real.

Noah doesn’t believe in falling in love, and he definitely doesn’t do relationships. But unless he can convince his future boss that his playboy days are over, he’ll lose out on his dream job. When his little sister’s best friend suggests that they pretend to date, it seems like the perfect solution. Or it would be, if she wasn’t the only woman who’d ever made him question his own rules.

Callie doesn’t need anyone else to take care of her, especially not her best friend’s overbearing older brother – even if she has been in love with him since she was twelve years old. Determined to get her mother to stop meddling in her life, a fake relationship with Noah could be the answer to both their problems. But sharing a hotel room for a week wasn’t in the plan, and the more time they spend together, the more it feels like she’s only fooling herself.

Can they face the truth they’ve been denying for years, that love is the exception to every rule?

Undeniable, book 2 in the Love Song series, is a standalone, spicy, forced proximity, fake dating romance with only one bed and a guaranteed HEA.



Cara Dion avatarCara has always had an overactive imagination. Her aunt tells the story of 4-year-old Cara demanding that she pretend to “be a doctor who’s really a wolf who’s pretending to be bad but is really good.” Now she knows, she was just a romance reader at heart!

She has been an English teacher, professional musician, and nonprofit administrator. When she’s not reading or writing romance, Cara loves cooking, Broadway musicals, and all things Disney.

She lives in a small town in New England with her family and two cats (who want all the attention).

Author Links:
Facebook: @caradionauthor
Linktree: caradion

MIDNIGHT DUET by Jen Comfort – Featured Book Review

midnight duet


Jen Comfort



Self-professed diva Erika Greene has it all: a starring role on Broadway, legions of fans, spectacular natural talent. But after an accident on stage leaves her face scarred and her career in shambles, Erika retreats to Paris, Nevada, where she’s inherited a ramshackle opera house in desperate need of some TLC.

Erika pours her savings into the building, but it’s not enough to stave off the greedy gaze of local casino developer Raoul Decomte. With foreclosure imminent, she makes a fast cash grab and leases the space to some unexpected tenants: a German hair metal band, fronted by glam rock god Christof Daae.

Erika is tempted by Christof’s low-slung leather pants―and even more by his ambitions for international superstardom―but he’s off-limits. The rest of his band thinks he’s still dating their beloved keyboardist, who is conveniently not present on this jaunt to the American Southwest. When Erika discovers Christof’s been unceremoniously dumped and is trying to keep it under wraps, she makes a deal to keep his secret…for a price, of course.

Christof is desperate to hold the rest of the band together after his keyboardist’s departure, but he can’t maintain the charade forever. Nor can he resist the opera house’s mysterious proprietor, who tempts him with midnight singing lessons. It isn’t long before sensuous nighttime interludes turn into smoldering backstage encounters.

But can their newly ignited passion survive the searing light of day? Or will their beautiful duet turn into a brokenhearted power ballad for one?

Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble
The Ripped Bodice
Eagle Eye Books


JenComfortHeadshot_LARGESQJen Comfort is originally from Portland, Oregon, and dabbled in astrophysics before spending a decade working in restaurants in New York City and Portland. Now, she writes romantic comedies about hot nerds with very cool jobs. She spends her free time growing plants destined to die before their time, playing video games, and encouraging her two cats and malamute-husky dog to become internet famous with zero success.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: @kitt_masters
Facebook: @Jen Comfort Author



As a musical theatre junkie, I was both excited and apprehensive to read this gender-swapped retelling of “Phantom of the Opera”, one of my top ten favorite musicals of all time. It had the best stage production I’ve ever seen when I watched it performed in London, beating “Les Miserables” (also featured in this story) and “Miss Saigon” by a mile. It felt like the chandelier whizzed by my head before it crashed onto the stage. I can fondly recall now that I screeched like the croaking Carlotta during that scene. A fabulously immersive experience that can’t be replicated in the pages of a book.  

The advance warning of the “unlikable heroine” also made me wary enough to set my expectations low even though I was never turned off by strong, unconventional female lead characters. Add the angsty tone of the blurb and I was prepared to give it three stars and call it a day. I’m glad I didn’t because I loved the book! I love Midnight Duet so much that I bought an eBook and an audiobook to add to the paperback copy I received from Wunderkind PR. I only ever do that if I love the book. 

It was over the top, melodramatic, totally bonkers, utterly bananas and I love it! I love the main characters Erika and Christof, both of them divas of the first order. I loved the supporting cast as well, from Sybille down to Jean and Javert. I loved the humor, the heart, and the steam. Oh, wow, the heat. The sexytimes were fire! 


5 stars   



MOONSTRUCK AT MARDI GRAS by Aurora Paige – Featured New Release



 Holidates Series Book 16

Aurora Paige



Who knew a dating app would match me up with my long-time crush–my big brother’s best friend?

After my best friend bailed on me for my birthday trip to Mardi Gras, I was stuck with two options–go alone or find someone to accompany me using the Holidates app. Lo and behold, I find myself on vacation with the man who’s been the star of more than one of my naughty fantasies–Easton Hawthorne.

That sinful smile, those soulful brown eyes, that delicious dark scruff. For as long as I can remember, Easton has been completely off-limits.

But not anymore. Not after we’ve shared more than just the most epic kiss and an unforgettable night in the same bed.

But when life brings us both back to reality–with our pasts hellbent on keeping us apart–will Easton and I be strong enough to be more than just a holiday fling?



Who knew Juliana Delarosa, my best friend’s little sister, was the one I’ve been searching for?

She’s been under my nose this whole time. Hell, she even sold me Girl Scout cookies when we were kids!

Gone is the chubby-cheeked little girl with pigtails and braces. In her place is a curvy, classy, and compassionate woman who knows exactly what she’s looking for. Don’t even get me started on what those dimples do to me!

We made a deal–take a fun trip as nothing but friends. No kissing, no touching, and definitely no sharing a bed.

But when we broke that promise, all hell would break loose, too.

Who knew I’d be moonstruck at Mardi Gras?

Buy Now! Amazon



Aurora Paige
Aurora Paige is a healthcare professional by day and a Filipina-American writer of steamy contemporary romance with sassy heroines and sexy heroes at night. Each Aurora Paige story delivers a variety of Curvy Heroines, Multicultural relationships, Alpha Heroes, Steamy Heat, and a Guaranteed Happily Ever After.



INDISCREET by Cara Dion – Featured New Release

indiscreet banner


Cara Dion


Indiscreet - Final CoverHow do you choose between the career you thought you lived for and the love you can’t live without?

For Dr. Liam Jacobs, becoming the chair of a prestigious university opera program is one step closer to his dream of having his own opera company. Getting involved with a student could cost him everything he’s ever worked for. But once he hears Melynda sing, he knows he’ll never want anyone else.

Melynda Taylor’s dedication to becoming an opera singer takes her directly to Liam, her professor, and the one man with the power to make her come undone and risk everything. But in her experience, men don’t give, they take – sometimes without permission. And they definitely don’t fall in love with women like her.

When a dark shadow from Melynda’s past makes their entanglement even more complicated, they are each forced to decide how much they are willing to sacrifice for love. Now the music that drove them both forward and bound them together, could also be the thing to tear them apart.

Indiscreet is a standalone, high-heat, forbidden romance with a guaranteed HEA, and the first book in the Love Song series.



Cara Dion avatarCara has always had an overactive imagination. Her aunt tells the story of 4-year-old Cara demanding that she pretend to “be a doctor who’s really a wolf who’s pretending to be bad but is really good.” Now she knows, she was just a romance reader at heart!

She has been an English teacher, professional musician, and nonprofit administrator. When she’s not reading or writing romance, Cara loves cooking, Broadway musicals, and all things Disney.

She lives in a small town in New England with her family and two cats (who want all the attention).

Author Links:
Facebook: @caradionauthor
Linktree: caradion

SECRET KISSES by Aurora Paige – Featured New Release



Midnight Kisses Series

Aurora Paige


Secret Kisses

Did that just happen? Did Jaxson Mitchell really kiss me with his girlfriend in the other room?
I’d crushed hard on Jaxson for as long as I could remember. But my older brother had made it perfectly clear his best friend was off limits. 
Childhood crushes were just a phase…or so I thought until that New Year’s Eve kiss. Now all of those familiar feelings were back.
I knew Stella was untouchable, but I made my move all the same. 
It was risky, knowing friendships could be lost, and a family bond might be broken. Yet, kissing her was all I thought about from the minute I laid eyes on her at that party. 
So, when the clock struck midnight, I knew it was my chance. 
It was a new year, and I had a resolution I planned to keep. I just hoped Stella felt the same.
Midnight Kisses Series
This year, make the ultimate resolution to fall in love with the sexiest book boyfriends around. 
Midnight kisses, parties in the city, cozy cabins, and all the taboo sexiness you can handle. 
Strap on your slippers, and get cozy, cause these men are coming to you.



Aurora Paige
Aurora Paige is a healthcare professional by day and a Filipina-American writer of steamy contemporary romance with sassy heroines and sexy heroes at night. Each Aurora Paige story delivers a variety of Curvy Heroines, Multicultural relationships, Alpha Heroes, Steamy Heat, and a Guaranteed Happily Ever After.

BRAINS AND BRAWN by R.L. Merrill – Release Day Feature

The cover on an eReader. Behind it is a set of drums.


Summer of Hush Book 2


R.L. Merrill


Billy “Brains” Brennan has achieved rock stardom in not just one, but two chart-topping bands, but events from his past have him convinced he’s living on borrowed time. Brains and his brothers-in-Hush are ready to take the last cross-country Warped Tour by storm…until the actions of two drunk dudes with bad attitudes set off a chain of events that leave him incapacitated…and face-to-face with a handsome stranger that inexplicably feels like home—and not the home he fled at sixteen. 

Chief Petty Officer Paul McNally has spent his 24-year career as a Navy Corpsman responding to emergencies and caring for wounded soldiers. When fate has him in the right place to provide aid to a fallen rockstar, it sends his life spiraling on a trajectory he never planned for. Instead of concentrating on his impending retirement and a second career, he’s now playing nursemaid to a fascinating younger man and falling in love—a fact he can’t seem to figure out how to explain to his adult son. 

A health scare, band drama, and pain from their pasts threatens to end their fledgling relationship. Fate brought them together. It will take trust, honesty, and hope to keep them together. 

Buy on Amazon. Free to borrow for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

Once upon a time… A teacher, tattoo collector, mom, and rock ‘n’ roll kinda gal opened up a doc and starting purging her demons. Several self-published books and a debut gay romance with Dreamspinner Press later, R.L. Merrill is still striving to find that perfect balance between real-life and happily ever after. She writes stories set in the places she loves most and loves connecting with other authors. She currently sits on the board for the San Francisco Area Romance Writers of America chapter as VP of Communications. You can find her lurking on social media where she loves connecting with readers, educating America’s youth, being a mom taxi to two busy kids, in the tattoo chair trying desperately to get that back piece finished, or headbanging at a rock show near her home in the San Francisco Bay Area. Connect with Ro at, or Stay Tuned for more Rock ‘n’ Romance.

LOVE FIESTA STYLE by San Antonio Romance Authors (SARA) – Release Day

19th Hole Fiesta

I’m excited to announce my first book release for 2019. 19TH HOLE FIESTA, my sweet multicultural second-chance story set in a San Antonio golf tournament in April is one of the 17 shorts in San Antonio Romance Authors’ Love Fiesta Style anthology. Here’s the blurb:

A stray golf ball reunites childhood best friends Grace Diaz and Nick Andrews. They lost touch because of a youthful misunderstanding. Now, their attraction to each other is stronger than ever. Will their reunion be for keeps, or will they say goodbye again after the 19th Hole Fiesta ends?


You’re invited to the biggest party in Texas – San Antonio’s Fiesta!

Explore the most romantic city in the Lone Star State through 17 incredible stories created exclusively for this anthology.

Love Fiesta Style features a mermaid at a majestic coronation, college sweethearts reuniting at a war widows’ ball, a cowboy spying his dream woman at an art show, friends igniting into lovers over a night-time parade, a spirit playing matchmaker for a chef and his customer, plus much more.

Whether you like your romances mild, medium, or hot, the San Antonio Romance Authors have you covered.

Buy your copy today and fall in Love Fiesta Style!

Available in ebook and paperback from Amazon. FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.